How to BYOC
It's easier than you think!
Most coffee shops will be happy to fill clean personal cups upon request. Many coffee shops encourage this by also offering small discounts for bringing your own cup. Find a stylish reusable cup, mug, tumbler, etc. that fits your beverage preferences and commit to using it every time you purchase a drink to-go!
Not sure if the shop you're visiting accepts reusables? Look for this design in coffee shop windows, or ask a barista if they will fill your cup when you place your order!

Follow these best practices when visiting coffee shops!
Make sure your cup is clean
While it is safe to bring your own reusables into coffee shops, please wash and dry your cup before handing it to a barista to fill.
Know the size of your cup
If you don't know what size your reusable cup is, try looking on the bottom for any indicator. If there is none, fill your cup with water and pour into a measuring cup to figure out the volume. Mark it down somewhere, like in the Notes app of your phone, so you can easily remember next time you place a coffee order.
Remember to bring your cup
This may be the hardest barrier to BYOC! Using reminder tools such as phone notifications can help you build up that daily habit where it no longer feels like a chore. Make a note to remember to grab it before heading out for the day if you plan on buying a drink to-go while you're out!
Visit us at any of our upcoming events to receive a free reminder tool like a keychain or a tea towel!